First Baptist Blowing Rock

"The Pulse of a Christ Follower" Following Jesus Sermon Series #29

Rusty Guenther
Many love to quote Matthew 7:1, "judge not least you be judged" yet that passage is found in a section of Jesus' teaching from the Sermon on the Mount that puts a spotlight on what could be defined as "judging". We are told not to be self-righteous or hypercritical in how we respond or treat others and we are warned to never try to take God's role and authority as the ultimate judge of peoples hearts and motives; yet the entire chapter is a call to evaluation - self evaluation! Using several metaphors and parables, Jesus teaches that their is a clear delineation between those who are His disciples and those who are not, and he calls those listening to his Sermon to evaluate their own hearts, motives and actions to see where they stand. He starts this call for evaluation by describing how prayer, worship and their outflow determines the heartbeat or pulse of a healthy Christ follower. Listen in to check your own spiritual pulse. From Matthew 7:7-12

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