First Baptist Blowing Rock
Weekly sermons from Pastor Rusty Guenther of First Baptist Blowing Rock in Blowing Rock, North Carolina
552 episodes
"Unlocking Faith as a Weapon" The Battle Series on Spiritual Warfare #12
Too many Christians are unaware of the power of faith. Most understand that we are "saved" by placing our faith in the person of Jesus Christ and his completed redemptive work on the Cross, but we fail to grasp how our Faith can impact every de...

"Shalom Brogans" The Battle Series on Spiritual Warfare #11
Why would the Apostle Paul equate Peace with footwear when he is outlining the spiritual weapons we have been given to stand against the attacks of the enemy? What does it really mean to understand and experience peace - even in the midst of th...

"Protection from a Broken Heart" The Battle Series on Spiritual Warfare #10
In this message from our Spiritual Warfare Series, we examine the importance that the Apostle Paul places on the "Breastplate of Righteousness" as protection from the attacks of the enemy. Why a breastplate and how can righteousness protect our...

"Why the Right Belt Matters" The Battle Series on Spiritual Warfare #9
In this message we examine what the Apostle Paul calls the "Belt of Truth" and why it is so significant for a Christians facing spiritual warfare. What is this truth and how can it empower us to confront and overcome the lies of the world and t...

"The Weapons of our Warfare" The Battle Series on Spiritual Warfare #8
As pick back up on our series from the Fall on Spiritual Warfare, we begin to examine the "Armor of God" that the Apostle Paul describes in Ephesians 6. Is this a literal armor? symbolic? a little of both? Why do we need it if we already have J...

"When Tomorrow Never Comes" New Years Series #3
We wrap up our New Years short series that examines the past, present and future of the church by comparing them to King Saul, the Prophet Samuel and David as found in 1st Samuel 16:1. We also use this comparison to look where individual Christ...

"Becoming Bridge Builders" New Years 2025
We continue our look at the three characters found in 1st Samuel 16:1 by examining the role that Samuel played in moving the nation of Israel forward by obeying God and anointing David as the next King. In this obedience, Samuel became the brid...

"A Snapshot in Time" New Years Message #1
In this message we examine a pivotal moment in time for the nation of Israel as God removes his anointing from Saul and calls Samuel to go to the house of Jesse to anoint a new King. In this moment, all three of the characters are facing huge l...

"The Perfect Time and the Perfect Place" Christmas 2024
In this Christmas message we examine the two birth narratives from Luke and Matthew and look at the differences between the two and explain why they are different. By harmonizing the two versions we get a complete picture that reminds us of wha...

"In our Hearts as much as our Homes" Christmas 2024
As we kick off the Advent season and begin looking towards Christmas, this message challenges us to prepare our hearts for the true meaning of the Christmas Season. We ask the question; have we spent as much time preparing our hearts as we have...

"Giving Thanks with a Grateful Heart" Thanksgiving Message 2024
As we approach Thanksgiving, this message examines what it really means to be grateful and thankful and what role contentment plays in developing this kind of approach to life. From Philippians 3:10-13

"How Do You Capture a Thought?" The Battles Series on Spiritual Warfare #7
What does Paul mean when he encourages the Corinthians to "take every thought captive" and what does it have to do with Spiritual Warfare? This message explains and gives some practical examples on what that might look like and why it plays suc...

"Tearing Down Your Strongholds" The Battle Series on Spiritual Warfare #6
In this message we discuss the battle for the mind and strongholds in our mind. What is a stronghold? How do they get built up and what can we do to tear them down. Using another Old Testament example from the life of David, we examine how Chri...

"Who Will Be Left Standing?" The Battle Series on Spiritual Warfare
As we continue to discuss the role and responsibilities of a Christ follower when it comes to Spiritual Warfare, this message takes a deeper dive on just what it means "to Stand". Using an illustration from one of David's Warriors in 2nd Samuel...

"Reporting for Duty" The Battles Series on Spiritual Warfare #4
When you examine Paul's teaching from Ephesians 6;10-13 on spiritual warfare you find two expectations or responsibilities for Christians; "wrestle" and "stand", but what does that mean and actually look like in our everyday lives. In this mess...

"Some Things Never Change" The Battle Series on Spiritual Warfare #3
In this message we look at the Garden of Eden to examine how Satan tempts us to questions God's word and the effects that has on our ability to walk in obedience and overcome sin. We also look at Satan's interaction with Jesus in the Wilderness...

"The Importance of Knowing Your Enemies" The Battle; Series on Spiritual Warfare #2
In this message we examine the enemies of the Christian that Paul identifies in Ephesians 6 and how we can overcome and be victorious in the battle. We also examine the enemy within - our old nature/the flesh and how Satan and the World feeds a...

"Riding the Storm Out" Message about Hurricane Helene and our area
This message is a response to all that our area here in the mountains of Western North Carolina have experienced this past week due to Hurricane Helene. We discuss how the community has come together to serve as the hands and feet of Christ dur...

"We Are At War!" The Battle series on Spiritual Warfare #1
In this introduction to our new Sermon Series on Spiritual Warfare we examine what Spiritual Warfare is and why it is so important for individual Christians and the church to recognize and prepare for the war taking place all around us. From Ep...

"The Sender and the Sent" Message from 3rd John on Missions
We wrap up our studies from the letter of John by taking another look at 3rd John and the situation John is addressing concerning some missionaries he had sent and how the local church was responding to them. This gives us a great example on th...

"Do You Welcome Truth" Message from 3rd John
As we examine 3rd John we see a contrast between two people that John mentions in this short letter and how they responded to his message of truth and those he sent to deliver it. What is the truth he is talking about and why is it so important...

"Not in My House" Message from 2nd John
While John addresses the same themes of Love and Truth that we found in 1st John here in his second letter, he also becomes more direct in how Christians should deal with false teachers and false teaching and not just the kind coming from those...

"Moving Beyond the Basics" Back to the Basics Series from 1st John #24
In this final message from our series in 1st John we take an overview of the entire book and examine some metrics that John lays out to give an indication whether a Christian is growing spiritually or not. We examine 5 indicators that John poin...

"Modern Day Idols" Back to the Basics Series from 1st John #23
In this message we examine the dangerous influence that idols can have on our spiritual growth and relationship with God. We identify some modern-day idols that Christians struggle with and how to overcome them. From 1st John 5:20-21.