First Baptist Blowing Rock

A Smooth Path is Never Promised; The Path of a Dreamer Series #3

Rusty Guenther
It is easy to look at people who have achieved great success in their various fields and admire them or even be envious. If one was to look at the end of the book of Genesis and read about Joseph's success, we might admire him. A former prisoner from a foreign land who has risen to become second in command to the Pharaoh of Egypt, a beautiful wife and two sons, surrounded by his brothers and their families, put in a position to save the nation from a great famine - what is not to admire. The only problem is that most of us would not be willing to walk the path and endure the pain, suffering and struggle he faced to see his dreams become a reality. The difference between having big dreams and seeing big dreams become a reality is the amount of faith and trust we are willing to place in God when the path we are on becomes difficult. God never promised us it would be easy to do His will or follow His way, but He does promise it will be worth it! Have you allowed obstacles, distractions, struggles or pain to keep you from chasing your God given dreams? Join us as we discover how Joseph overcame all of those and more to see his dreams fulfilled! From Genesis 37

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