First Baptist Blowing Rock

"Nothing New Under the Sun" Enemies at the Gate Series from Jude #8

March 20, 2023 Rusty Guenther

In this message we examine how Jude draws a link between the false prophets of the Old Testament right through his current time straight toward the false teachers we find in the church today. We look at how false prophets were dealt with in the Old Testament as well as the two main groups of false teaching that had infiltrated the early New Testament church.  That includes a short explanation of the Judiazer's and the Gnostic's and what they believed and taught and how it affected the early church. We also look at how most of the false teachings and worldly philosophies that we find today can trace their roots to these earlier beliefs.  We also give a quick preview of "postmodernism" and "progressive Christianity" that we are seeing in the American church and the results. From Jude 14-19.  

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